1 Brownie Mix
1 can of Chocolate Frosting
Licorish String
4 squares of chocolate almond bark
1/3 stick of butter
1 bag of sliced almonds
Lollipop sticks or toothpicks
Nerds Candy or Sprinkles
Step 2: Make a golf sized ball out of brownie. A batch of brownies should make about 16. Let it cool in the fridge for 15 minutes.
Step 5: Place the 4 squares of chocolate almond bark in a bowl. Put the butter on top and melt it in the mircowave for 2 minutes, stiring it every 30 seconds. When melted it should be simlar to a paste.
Step 6: Scoop the chocolate mixture on part of the brownie ball.
Step 7: Stick the almonds in the chocolate staight up in rows. Biggest almonds in the first row, medium ones next, and smallest ones last.